
  • Adis Bekrić




imams, disciplinary liability, disciplinary procedure, disciplinary organs, disciplinary measures


UDK 347.919.8:28-7

The article presents some facts about disciplinary liability of imams as religious officers whose status is defined by the Constitution of the Islamic Community and, more precisely, by the Regulations about imams. Rights and official duties of imams are precisely described by the Regulations, thus every imam has a duty to carry out his daily responsibilities in accordance with relevant regulations. Thus, disciplinary liability of imams implies the responsibility for violation of the official duties, by which imam is liable to a disciplinary procedure in a case of violation of the same. The article presents the disciplinary procedure and the position of imam within this procedure. Disciplinary procedure is taken when it is confirmed, or when there is a reasonable evidence that imam has committed a violation of the official duty. The basic principles of disciplinary procedure are also presented and analyzed.



How to Cite

Bekrić, A. (2022). DISCIPLINARY LIABILITY OF IMAMS AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. Novi Muallim, 16(63), 30–40. https://doi.org/10.26340/muallim.v16i63.103