Ever since the 1990’s, The Islamic Community is faced with a problem of proper presence of religious programs on radio and TV stations as well as coverage of religious events. That is the time when the first initiatives for including religious programs and coverage of religious events in regular news broadcasts were made. This period has witnessed mutual incompetence, caused by subjective and objective reasons. On one side, media stations could not produce this program on their own, and, at the same time, they did not feel like cooperating with the Islamic Community on this. Ideological heritage hampered development of this type of program. On the other side, the Islamic Community did not have trained professionals to work in this field. Different viewpoints of religious communities and media stations speak of the difficulties religious journalism is faced with. Another important fact is that no educational institution in our country has a religious journalism department. It appears that these problems are bigger than the Islamic Community itself, together with its material and human capabilities. In our view, the problem of religious journalism is about lack of trained professionals who could present Islam in a proper way. This article presents us with the overview of religious programs in B-H media.
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