We attempted, for the first time in our language, to offer a systematic survey of the literary works of the Muslim classical thought that have been translated to date. This survey includes the following scholarly disciplines: akaed, tasawuf, adab, philosophy, tajsir, hadith, sirah and medicine. This shall be the order of the disciplines in relation to the number of the translations of the complete works. These literary works can be classified into three
a) direct translations of the complete Arabic, Persian or Turkish literary works, including translations into those languages
b) translations of the classical works' translations into one of the European languages
c) partial translations or excerpts from classical literature
This review offers the insight into the extent of the classical Muslim literature in our language. On the other hand, it will also reveal those that are missing. We are, indeed, still missing the translations of some fundamental works from each of the religious disciplines. However, we do not approve, as shown by this review, the attempts to completely deny the efforts of the scientific and translation field in the area of classical Islamic genius heritage. This text may stimulate a more efficient approach, in terms of system and methodology, to the art of translation of the Muslim classical works into Bosnian language while maintaining high scientific standards. We hope this text will be well received by those who may learn of some translated classical work for the first time and be tempted to read it. This text shall only then fulfill its purpose.
We attempted, for the first time in our language, to offer a systematic survey of the literary works of the Muslim classical thought that have been translated to date. This survey includes the following scholarly disciplines: akaed, tasawuf, adab, philosophy, tajsir, hadith, sirah and medicine. This shall be the order of the disciplines in relation to the number of the translations of the complete works. These literary works can be classified into three
a) direct translations of the complete Arabic, Persian or Turkish literary works, including translations into those languages
b) translations of the classical works' translations into one of the European languages
c) partial translations or excerpts from classical literature
This review offers the insight into the extent of the classical Muslim literature in our language. On the other hand, it will also reveal those that are missing. We are, indeed, still missing the translations of some fundamental works from each of the religious disciplines. However, we do not approve, as shown by this review, the attempts to completely deny the efforts of the scientific and translation field in the area of classical Islamic genius heritage. This text may stimulate a more efficient approach, in terms of system and methodology, to the art of translation of the Muslim classical works into Bosnian language while maintaining high scientific standards. We hope this text will be well received by those who may learn of some translated classical work for the first time and be tempted to read it. This text shall only then fulfill its purpose.
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