interpretation of the Sunnah, Kasim Dobrača, magazine Al–Hidaya, Mehmed Handžić, Muhammed TufoAbstract
UDK 050(497.6)(049.3)
The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah s.w.s. is defined as the record of Messenger’s s.w.s., teachings, deeds, or silent approvals before and after the Revelation of the Qur’an, his physical and moral traits. For the scholars of the Hadith (muhaddith), hadith is defined in the same words, since they consider the words Sunnah and Hadith synonymous. From the aspect of the topic of this article “the Interpretation of the Sunnah in the magazine Al-Hidayah we are going to accept the opinion of the hadith scholars that the Sunnah and the Hadith are synonymous terms. For this article we have analysed all the issues of the magazine Al–Hidayah, from the first, published in 1936, to the last published in year 1945. The methods used for this purpose are: the content analyses, the descriptive and the comparative method. The analysis included six texts: two written by Mehmed Handžić, two by Muhammed Tufo and two by Kasim Dobrača. All these deal with the Sunnah or the Hadith in accordance with the given definition of the Sunnah. The article is divided into four parts. The first part offers a short history of Al–Hidaya magazine, the second part relates about Mehmed Handžić and his interpretation of the Sunnah in this magazine. The third and the forth part offer some details about Muhammed Tufo and Kasim Dobrača and their interpretations of the Sunnah in the magazine respectively.
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