Translations of the Literary Works from Arabic into the Bosnian Language, 1990-1999
In the last ten years, more precisely, in the period between 1990-1999, remarkable results have been achieved in the translation from Arabic into Bosnian in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Namely, numerous and important works from the broader field of literature and the theological-philosophical disciplines have been translated. Considering that our reading public is relatively unfamiliar with the translations from the field of Arabic literature, this article will acquaint them with some of the translations. A total of fifteen works have been translated from this scholarly field: eight works of fiction, two works of folk literature, four collections of poetry and one work of various texts (miscellanea). The first secltin of the article provides the readers with a short review of the six selected works, while the second section offers bibliographical information on the remaining translations, presented in a chronological fashion -this having been done for the reason that the review of all the translations produced in the aforementioned period requires more space. Owing to these translations, we are able to acquaint ourselves with one part of the old and the classical and the greater part of the modem Arabic literature. Naturally, the greatest credit for the translations is to be ascribed to the efforts and the work of our outstanding and acclaimed translators.
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