Israqi philosophy, Ibn Arabi, Shakespeares ‘lost years’, Shakespeare, Robert ShirleyAbstract
UDK 821.111.09 Shakespeare W.
No doubt, Shakespeare is the only writer who has not seen the dawn of his work. From African nomadic tribes to the corporate world of United States, from Hindu monasteries to tekke of sufies, wherever we turn, Shakespeare somehow emerges as a referent point of wisdom spiritual as well as material. But what secret lies behind such a success? It seems that the whole world is connected by a string, and each time it is touched, illuminating sound is heard by all who have an ear to hear and a heart to feel. The world has seen geniuses such as Rumi and Hafiz, but Shakespeare’s fathomless inspiration, which grows from day to day is an eternal enigma of human history and world literature. The article offers opportunity to see Shakespearean drama in its widest perspective that is
-Shakespeare as the greatest representative of Ishraqi philosophy in Europe. His drama can also be taken as a solution for contemporary social crises and a way to uplift one’s own moral and spiritual states.
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