addiction, therapy, psychoactive substances, faithAbstract
UDK 159.9:28
While sinking into addiction of any kind, all of the aspects of one’s life are distorted. Treatment of addiction, therefore, requires a treatment of an entire human being in all his dimensions. A man is one whole, comprised of body, soul and spirit. He has vegetative, emotional, sensual, psychological and spiritual life. To leave out only one of the essential human dimensions in the process of a treatment, means the treatment will be incomplete and therefore a failure. We cannot cure a body if we neglect psyche or emotions. Any medical treatment has to be related to psychological, physical and social aspects of addiction and it has to keep in a view all its negative consequences upon life of an addict. Thus, the treatment of addiction is aided by doctors of psychiatry, social workers, psychologists, psychosomatic therapists etc. The treatment of addiction cannot be successful if it does not involve a spiritual treatment. Spiritual therapy is an element of the modern approach to addiction treatment; it has the potential and can play a vital role in development and strengthening of healthy capacities and potentials in an individual, all with the purpose of healing and building a healthier personality. However, for someone to be a good therapist, one must be ready to accept and recognise the spiritual aspect of a patient, but also to explore and develop his own spiritual values.
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