waqf-nama, waqf, Banja Luka, Ferhad-pasha SokolovićAbstract
UDK 929 Sokolović F.
94(497.6 Banja Luka)”15”
Ferhad-pasha Sokolović is known as the founder of the city of Banja Luka and he was the one who laid the foundations for its urban development. He, Ferhad- pasha Sokolović, as a benefactor, besides his waqf (endowment) comprising of the Ferhadiya mosque and the adjacent construction complex, also established the first educational, cultural and social institutions in Banja Luka, the seat of Bosnian Eyalet at the time. Ferhad-pasha’s wqaf-nama thus represents the birth certificate of the city of Banja Luka and it is a testimony of the time when wonderful Ferhadiya mosque, sahat kula (clock tower) and other structures of educational, cultural and social institutions as well as the first modern roads were constructed in Banja Luka. For the purpose of writing this article an analysis of the content was used as a research technique of collecting data from the secondary sources: books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television etc. The subject of our text analysis were also primary sources about Ferhad-pasha’s waqf in Banja Luka, i.e. archival material contained in documents, visual, audio and audio-visual data.
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