simile, object and the image of simile, simple and complex simile, upbringing aspectsAbstract
UDK 28-254
This article relates about the similes, “the most beautiful figures of speech”, and their use in the Qur’an-al-kareem. The first part of the article offers a comprehensive definition of simile whe-re all its variations on the basis of various differences are also explained. The main part of the article gives a list of the Qur’anic examples of five most significant types of similes: simple, styli-stic, complex, inverse and included simile. Through analysis of quoted similes we presented opinions of some renowned literary scholars and the Qur’an commentators. Stylistics as a literary discipline serves the study of the Qur’anic I’jaz (inimitability of the Qur’an as its miraculous quality), and its rules, in most cases are derived from the magnificent style of the Qur’an. The aim of this article is to emphasise upon the fact that the Qur’anic expression is absolutely superior not only in its style, but also for the aspect of upbringing that it undoubtedly contains wit-hin. Thus in the article we show the dimension of upbringing for each simile we quoted hoping to motivate the reader to se-arch for it himself in other examples of the Qur’anic similes.
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