
  • Armin Jašarević



psychoanalysis, religion, Freud, Jung, Fromm


UDK 159.964.2:2

Psychoanalysis or classical analysis is a school of thought in psycho-logy that focuses upon the study of personality. Main aim of this article is to present a psychoanalytical approach to religion as an integral factor of society that has encountered numerous different systems and ideologies throughout its history. Keeping in mind that one article cannot deal with all the analysis of numerous scholars of Psychoanalysis, which dealt with religion, it will focus upon the work of three psychoanalysts. Since Freud is the founder of this school of thought it would be improper to start any talks about psycho-analysis without an introduction to his study which is known for its functional and reductionist approach. Jung, a student of Freud is another representative of the school. He tries, using a phenome-nological approach to justify the theory of man as homo religious, i.e. theory of man as religious being. We also present findings of Fromm, who as a neo-Freudian fused psychoanalysis and social psychology thus contributing to the development of new perspectives within the psychoanalysis. Of course, opinions of other scholars like Ma-slow, Frankl or Adlera, are equaly valuable, but the analysis of their theories may be a subject of some other work. Main thoughts of mentioned theoreticians are presented here by using theoretical analysis method. Results show that these scholars have focused upon different structures in their analysis of religion. The teacher and the student that is Freud and Jung, despite differences in their opinions have both focused upon the functional role of religion, whereas Fromm’s focus was mainly humanistic in its dimension.



How to Cite

Jašarević, A. (2019). PSYCHOANALYTICAL APPROACH TO RELIGION. Novi Muallim, 20(77), 53–59.