Rached Gannouchi – contemporary Islamic thinker and the activist


  • Edin Čolaković Fakultet islamskih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu




Rached Gannouchi, Ennahde, Tunisia, politics, The Arab Spring, democracy


UDK: 28-3:929 Ganuši R.
           929 Ganuši R.

The author here presents biography of Rached Gannouchi, giving the outlines of the development of his thought and of the political party Ennahde of which he was a cofounder.  After giving some basic biographical data in the initial part, the main part of the article is divided into a formative period until the foundation of Ennahde, Gannouchis’ political engagements before and after the Tunisian revolution through Ennaahde. The article highlights the main ideas that led Gannouchi toward understanding and solving Tunisian social issues as well as the political ideas behind Ennahde.



How to Cite

Čolaković, E. (2023). Rached Gannouchi – contemporary Islamic thinker and the activist. Novi Muallim, 24(95), 103–107. https://doi.org/10.26340/muallim.v24i95.2053