medical treatment, drug abuse, relevant social institutions, convention, constitutionAbstract
The article discusses the circumstances that have, after the disintegration of Yugoslavia in nineties of the last century, and the afterwar period in Bosnia and Herzegovina, brought about the issue of the drugs abuse in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the escalation of this dreadful disease many young lives have been jeopardized, and some even died as a result of it. Within the general social community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, until now we have seen a very few attempts to tackle the issue of drug abuse and addictions in a more complex and organised manner. However, one good example of combating the issue is the foundation of the specialised medical institute for fighting addiction diseases. Thus in Zenica-Doboj canton the institute is working for the past 6-7 years and has so far achieved quite remarkable results (about 500 registered users and quite regular medical treatments with methadone therapy, detoxification etc,). The article emphasises the need of a more complex approach of the entire community in combating the drug abuse that would involve relevant structures of the society like: schools, medical institutions, centres for social work, pedagogical and psychological work etc., that would be far more effective than mere passive observation of the escalation of this disease that carries with it a multitude of negative social developments that are hazardous for community, family, individual (smuggling, theft, human trafficking, murders etc.). This article further stresses the necessity of the state level action in this regard and in accordance to constitutionally granted human rights. Local governments must make efforts to engage all the relevant subjects in combating this issue. The article also underlines the responsibility of the states signatories of the UN convention for the protection of children from drug abuse.
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