Ahmad Muyezinzade, known as Ahmad ibn Mustafa al-Mustari Mu'ezinzade, as he signed his works, is only one of many distinguished scholars. Unfortunately, the life of this 17th century Mostar scholar is, for the most part, a mystery to us. The exact date of his birth is unknown. No reliable information regarding his education and employment is available and there is no consensus among researches regarding the exact date of his death. Therefore, a study of pedagogical and educational work of this scholar can only be based on his works, and, for the most part, on his most famous work titled Anesu'l wa'ezeen. This article is a modest attempt to do just that. However, this article is, in effect, a horizontal kind of study, insofar that it deals with the entire work Anesu'l wa'ezeen and it describes the general characteristics, goals, means and methods of Muyezinade's work in the field of education. The research of this kind of work is very difficult and requires a lot of effort (the work has 630 pages), but since this is the first such research the author believes it to be the best way. This article is, therefore, just a basis and a starting point for those who want to study pedagogical and educational work of Ahmed Muyezinzade, as presented in his essay Anesu'l wa'ezeen, in a more profound way.
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