School, pupil, parents, professor, teacher, cooperationAbstract
Lecture delivered in seminar: “Assistance in work with parents” that was organized by: office for religious education of the Rijaset of the Islamic community in B&H (VPS) in cooperation with the Centre for advanced studies (CNS) and the Centre for personal and professional education (CLPU). Saturday , December 12, 2009. Held at: CLPU.
It is a common practice of every school, therefore of the madrassas as well, to include the cooperation with pupil’s arents in their annual plan and program, but practically in most cases, it is reduced down to occasional communication initiated by school directors or teachers. Most often, it is required of parents to support certain activities or projects that re already worked out and prepared by the school. At present it is considered almost unimaginable to include parents in planning and creating of the contents of the important educational activities of madrassas or even partially involving them in its realization. Officially authorized rights, such as the Council of parents, are often applied only formally. In madrassas this is a new concept that has not found its rightful place nor a role yet. It is, therefore, necessary, at the moment, to maximize the madrassa- parent’s relation, based upon sincerity, honesty, trust and consideration as an ongoing communication in two directions. Madrassa, with all its available capacities, should be the initiator of such a communication and with the maximum level of responsibility and seriousness should tend to its realization. Aware of the general situation in schools, management of Behram-bey’s madrassa along with its teachers has tried to bring improvement to this segment of their work. This article offers insight into some of the experiences of the kind.
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