children with special needs, being gifted/talented, being talented, similarities, differencesAbstract
Students with above average abilities, in other words talented children fall into the category of children with special needs. Depending on the definition of terms gifted-talented, talented children make up between 1-1.5% and 15-20% of the population. In the scientific world, there are 140 definitions for being gifted. Such various ways of defining the term gifted comes from different understanding of the terms gifted and talented. Most of the theorians consider the terms gifted and talented to be synonyms. However, some of them make a distinction by pointing out the facts according to which they make a distinction between the two. This work presents many definitions which offer numerous and different answers to the question –’’What does it mean to be gifted?’’. Depending on the conditions which are taken into consideration (response time, behavioural characteristics, behavioural types), being gifted/talented is defined differently and those definitions are directed at the characteristics of those who are gifted, cognitive models of being gifted, achievement, psychosocial factors. Based on the mentioned opinions and apprehensions, this work specifies the similarities and the differences which are derived from the analyzed definitions of being gifted and talented.
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