The text examines institutional and communicational importance of the Khutba. The author emphasizes two crucially important characteristics of the Khutba; Khutba is a public good and Khatib can only speak publicly if authorized by the highest religious authority. Text points to various abuses of Khutba for daily political purposes and as means for getting even with persons of different views. The paper refers to examples of various topics which are not addressed in our Khutbas and offers unique structure of the contents and length of the Khutba itself. This paper offers suggestions for Khatibs to take more scholarly and serious approach in making reference to the Ayat and Hadith as an authentication of the positions presented in the Khutba as well as to consider the motives of revelation of Ayat and the particular topic of the Khutba. Furthermore, author emphasizes significance of a greater institutional care and supervision over implementation of the institution of Khutba-giving, calling upon those who are considered competent to present their opinion on the topic presented in the title of this paper.
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