literary criticism, Sekkaki, Qazwini, Hasan Kafi Pruščak, Gazi Husrev-bey’s library, elements of stylistics, me’ani, bejan, bedi’, kasaid nebevijje, ‘asru l-bedi’ijjatAbstract
UDK 811.411.21`38
821.163.4(497.6).09 Pruscak H.K.
Arabic stylistics has seen its peak in times of Sekkaki and Qazwini, and here in Bosnia it was during the time of Hasan Kafi Prusčak. From that time onwards no serious work in this field has appeared until the time of the Arabic revival in19th century. Sekkaki (555-626/1160-1228) is frontrunner of these three. In his encyclopedic work Miftahu l-’ulumi (Key to knowledge) in the final, third part of which he brought a review of the Arabic stylistics given in all three parts. Qazwini (666-739/1267-1338) is the author of Talkhis al-Miftâh (Summary of the “Key”) considered to be the most successful redaction of Sekkaki’s work. He is also the author of Al-Idah fi ‘ulumi l-belaga (The clarification of the science of rhetoric) considered by scholars to be a commentary on Talkhis, or rather a clarification of some ideas in that work, as is suggested in the title itself. Pruščak (951-1024/1544-1615) edited Qazwini’s Talkhis and titled it Temhisu l-Talkhisi (Analysis of the “Summary”). Pruščak wrote the concept of the work in 1599, whereas the final redaction he completed in 1602, as is stated on the last page of the manuscript kept in Gazi Husrev-bey’s library in Sarajevo. Some questions that were ambiguous in Temhis, he clarified in his commentary upon Temhis.
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