Through analysis of the statistic indicattors on educational structure of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 1961 to 1991, some significant changes can be observed. The number of illiterate population has fallen from 23,6% in 1961 to 8,4% in 1991. The census from 1961 reveals that out of the complete number of the population older than 10: 51,4% were without school education, 37,4% were without completed primary school, 4,1% with completed primary school, only 0,4% with two-year post-secondary school and 0,5% univversity degree. According to the census from 1991, Bosnia and Herzegovina had 4.377.033 inhabitants out of which 3.349.642 were older than 15. Out of this, 471.182 or 14,1% were withhout education, 658.356 or 19,6% without comppleted primary school, 818.361 or 24,4% were with completed primary school, 1.092.372 or 32,6% were with completed secondary school, 92.501 or 2,8% were with completed two-year post-secondary school and 122.967 or 3,7% were with completed university degree. When examining the gender structure, we note that the female population was present in educatioonal system in smaller numbers, in comparisson to the male population, especially when we refer to secondary, post-secondary and universsity education. In addition, percentage of female population was greater in the category without any education – 11.1% women and 2,9% men. When examining the entire period from 1961 to 1991 in general, the educational structurre of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina has shown an improvement as a result of the social and economic development in that period.
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