Muftis, professors, huffaz and writers
The most famous alim family from the very thriving past of the town of Gradačac was the family Mulaibrahimović, also known as family Svirac and then later Muftić. This family has bestowed Gradačac and Posavina with the entire generation of distinguished alims and professors. Their surname alone testifies to the fact that they are members of a long line of ulama. The head of this family of distinguic ished scholars was Hajji Hafiz Ahmed Effendi Svirac, the author of the Putopis (travelogue) to Hajj and the collected works (majmua). He was the only Mufti and professor (muderris) of Gradačac who was succeeded by his own two sons, Hafiz Ahmed Hilmi Effendi and Hafiz Muhamed Effendi. Many imams acquired their education before them. They were highly regardc ded, famous and respected in Posavina as well as throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mufti Svirac was famous even in Istanbul. They were educated exclusively in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have never left to any of the Islamic countries to pursue their studies. They were lecturers (vaiz) of such magnitude that people rushed to hear them speak. Family Muftić owned an excellent library as well as the collection of oriental manusc cripts some of which were transcribed by renowned Bosnian calligraphers and transcribers. Four members of this noted family were huffaz and some of them were imams and khatibs in the main mosques throughout Gradačac. Mufti’s great-grandson was Dr. Hazim Muftić, disc stinguished lawyer, Head of the Waqf Board and Professor of Higher Islamic Theological School as well as the writer of several noted works on the Qur’an and philosophy of the Qur’an.
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