Reflecting upon modern society, the author of this article concludes that the most of the contemporary problems are direct consequence of the lack of good preparation of young couples for parenthood, and therefore the bad parenthood. Thus, she believes that good and effective parenthood requires: acquaintance with the fazes of psychological and physical growth and development of a child, knowing the limits of a child in each faze of its development, knowledge of ones own self, that is knowing ones own qualities and weaknesses, knowing how to bring the decisions in a democratic way, patience, decisiveness, consistency, ability to admit ones own mistakes and readiness to seek professional help when required. She proposes the method of “preventing rather then curing”, which includes preparing parents before they even enter a marital relation, and before they are faced with the problems. With this purpose the article offers following techniques: setting of clear expectations, remaining calm in tens situations and when the child is disturbed, consistent rewards for the positive activities of the child and appropriate correction for negative activities, to be a positive model to the child, playing a role in order to correct undesirable behavior, words of praise for good behavior of the child. Parenthood is probably most important job as well as the most important role in ones life. It requires loads of time and patience, but at the same time it is also the most rewarding job that a person can have.
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