Interview with Prof. Dr. Harun Harry Behr


  • Harun Harry Behr
  • Armina Omerika




UDK 37.02:28(430)(047.53)

Interview with Prof. Dr. Harun Harry Behr By Prof. Dr. Armina Omerika
Translated from German by Nermana Mršo

In this interview Prof. Dr. Harun Harry Behr ,full time professor in the field of Didactics of Islamic religious pedagogy at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, discussing the issues of Islamic religious studies, sets the basic guidelines for defining pedagogy of Islamic religious studies and its tasks within present complex environment, burdened with internal Muslim conflicts of madhab and ethnic differences in understanding Islam in one hand, and challenges of socio-political reality in the other. Explaining the process of establishing the Islamic religious studies as a subject, but also its cultural and political role and status in Germany, professor Behr underlines its significance as a potential integrative instrument that can bring about higher level of plurality within the Islam and therefore tolerance as well.



How to Cite

Behr, H. H., & Omerika, A. (2022). “RELIGIOUS STUDIES IN SCHOOLS SHOULD NOT TURN INTO SOME KIND OF OTHER FORM OF MAKTAB CLASS”: Interview with Prof. Dr. Harun Harry Behr. Novi Muallim, 16(63), 92–98. https://doi.org/10.26340/muallim.v16i63.110