During a 90-year period, between 1855 and 1945, the Livno Grammar School has been reopened three times - from 1920 to 1929, from 1855 to 1857 and then from 1940 to 1942. Once almost all preparations for the school opening were made (in 1914), but the outbreak of the World War I postponed the plans. Thus Livno had misfortune with this School, whose destiny was often determined by frequent crisis that plagued this area for centuries. Opening grammar schools, which were always considered the best and most promising type of high schools, was always beset with difficulties caused by frequent wars and economic difficulties, reflecting on the financial status of these schools. Special difficulty was the lack of qualified teachers, a problem constantly present, both in terms of their quantity and quality, so often unqualified teachers had to be hired. In the period between the two World Wars the School hired a large number of Russian teachers, which fled Russia after the October Revolution. Poor economic situation also influenced the number of pupils enrolled. Many children could not attend due to poverty, especially between the two World Wars. Often local population, mostly farmers, was simply not interested in sending their children to schools. Regardless of these problems, the Livno political leaders of this period should be commended for their successful efforts to open the school even in the face of all these difficulties.
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