
  • Smajo Halilović



The school is not a building, benches, chairs, library or even computers. The school is in fact a teacher, a student, principal and staff. The teaching should and can be one of the most rewarding and most exciting professions. However, it is not so for many teachers. What can be done about this? One teacher recently said the following: “When I started to teach, I saw myself as the leader of the happy group of students with a desire to learn, research and explore. However, that is not how it turned out to be. I am not looking forwward to my work. I am scared of every new class, of every new day. And so are the students. I feel like slave driver who is waiving a whip above the heads of bunch of lazy and disinterested careless people, who are only interested in how to get away from doing the work. They lie, cheat, complain and seem to only be interested in completing the class with as little as effort as possible. The worst of all is that my work is evaluated based on their achievements.” It is all a relative thing. However, driven by our poor understanding of things, we often replace the significant for the insignificant and so instead of truly living and acting, we only give poor performaance. Let us think for example of greatness and strength of Hz. Ibrahim in the moment when he is ready to sacrifice his own son Ishmael! At the same moment he receives a reward in the form of the black ram…and the protection from his own pain… If we do not believe in ourselves or the students, then we should at least trust the Holy Qur’an. We often find ourselves in confusion which results in many unreasonable actions. This in turn contribuutes to even greater mayham. Our teachers still represent the concept: DREAMS-HOPES-DOUBTS… The new generation of the teachers and pareents can be those who can accept this challenge. This will perhaps awaken only the best within the children themselves.



How to Cite

Halilović, S. (2022). HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD. Novi Muallim, 4(13), 62–66.