The contemporary psychology utilizes testbased techniques and techniques with no tests as well as procedures in measurement and evaluation of creative abilities and creative traits of the individual. Our earlier research and the psychological research of the eminent psychology experts indicate the need to apply both approaches. One can judge the theoretical and practical value of these approaches only based on the psychometrical traits of the implemente instruments of measurement. In fact, the results of this research point to the benefits of the application of these tests (intelligence, creative abilities and personality' traits), and other techniques, especially of the appropriate levels of evaluation. The professional literature demonstrates the disagreements between the different psychologists' viewpoints on the reliability of the teacher's evaluation of creative abilities as well as of the creative traits of the student's personality. The results of our research correspond to the findings containing facts on justification of the utiliwtion of the teacher's observation in the processes of recognition and identification of the student's creative abilities. The teacher evaluation can be a reliable index of the level of demonstration if he/ she is, both trained and psychologically prepared for the application of the appropiiate levels of evaluation. The teacher, thus, can contribute considerably towards more reliable recognition and identification of talented students in the schools. The importance of continued process of identification and education of talented students is considered today to be one of the tasks of the highest piioiity in the education and upbiinging of the youth.
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