ayah (verse), discourse, religious discourse, auditory and visual apparatus, intellectuals, professionalsAbstract
In the following text the phenomenon of discourse as a human specificum and especially the hutba (sermon), as religious discourse „par excellence“, is discussed. The aim is to present for consideration the arguments for the importance of words in the formation, but also in deformation of man, and in that context, emphasize the importance of hutba. The Qur'an is a book which implicitly and explicitly offers evidence about the importance of auditory apparatus in man. The suggestion here is that the spiritual content can best be transmitted by means of discourse as a living word which is capable of conveying the delicate fluttering of the soul. In this work we discuss the specific characteristic of the hutba discourse and the knowledge it offers. Specifically, the hutba contains the horizontal and the vertical dimension of knowledge. The vertical plane is the one that connects us with the Source and provides us with a reliable point of support within the space of constant change. The horizontal thread binds us with the time and space which only belongs to us and which must find its reflection in the hutba and the personality of the hatib (person who delivers hutbas - sermons) where these planes intersect. By having due regard and respect for both dimensions, dignity in religious discourse can be restored and one can follow the exemplary ways of the prophets of Allah.
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