European Union, secularism, secular societies, religious communities, human rightsAbstract
In this work the author concerns himself with the productive coexistence of Islam and Muslims on one side and the European secular societies and states, especially the societies and states in the European Union, on the other. On several occasions the author concludes that secular and secularism, as they are conceptually developed in the European Union, are not opposed to religion. Using relevant literature the author concludes that what secular in European Union means, above all, is ensuring a common ground for cooperation of religious communities and the secular state and society. Reli gious discourse is free, religious communities are transparent and they define social trends. The author pleads for positive Muslim responses towards this type of secularism that had developed in Europe after 1945. The Muslim intellectuals in Europe have a special task to, in their interpretation of Islam, create the conditions for Muslims to freely be included in the developments of European secular societies and to universally profess Islam, and to coexist with the European secular societies.
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