Upon examination of the didactical-methodological works of Hamdija Mulić, one can conclude that, with his reflections and first-hand teaching practice, he contemporized the teaching process in religious instruction. Theteaching methods in religious instruction should demonstrate to us how we should plan and carry out-systematically based and organized-religious instruction in maktabs as well as in regular schools. In order far this instruction to be successful, it must be methodologically thought-out and based on the fundamental-didactical laws. Throughout his book Teaching Methods of Religious lnstruction, Hamdija Mulić illustrated that this was a work of accumulated expetience andpractical training of the best accomplishments in this field. Therefore, the teaching methodin religious instruction is a theory of executing that instruction, based on experience and tested in practice , but also a theory which gravitates towards once again transfonning itself into practice, or changing. As a theory, Mulić's reflections give orientation in practice and offer a stimulus far the religious instructors to perceive his ideas and to realize them in the present time. Namely, every religious instructor must have a thorough knowledge of the teaching process in order to be able to apply them to the specific teaching subject matter of religious upbringing and education. Far a successful teaching career, it is no longer sufficient to complete religious studies in theology, as it is considered by some today, but special education far practical teaching work is required. Unfortunately, not enough attention was given to the pedagogical, didactical and teaching methods, which makes the work of Hamdija Mulić even more significant. Let this examination be a stimulus far those who, in one way or another, concem themselves with religious upbringing and education, to research and contemporize the didactic-methodological approach to practical teaching as well as to develop a theory of religious upbringing and education in the spirit and tradition ofl slam.
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