addiction, excessive use, psycho-social well-being, internetAbstract
UDK 159.97:004.738.5
The use of internet is becoming a standard requirement for the modern man, however with certain number of people it may involve development of misuse of the internet or excessive time that is spent interfacing the digital technology. This leads to disruption of normal psycho-social development in young people and in adults it can cause various psychological disorders, social disturbances and even physical problems. People who have developed an internet addiction tend to display behavioural disorders like extreme lack of self-control, which in turn, may have negative influence upon their daily activities, social relations and their psychological well-being. We are witnessing growing evidence that indicates that both psychological and biological mechanisms that lay in the root of this addiction are similar to those we see in cases of addiction to psychoactive substances. Researches show that internet addicts tend to manifest a number of psychological and psycho-social disorders including abstinence syndrome, social isolation, academic and professional failure, financial issues, marital problems and so on. Physical issues like pain in the back, eye problems, pain in arms and elbow joints are also symptoms that have growing tendency of occurring as a result of internet addiction. The use of internet by children and adolescents is evolving into an issue for major concern due to the lack of control over the time spent on the internet and due to the lack of supervision over the contents of the internet to which they are exposed. Prevention and treatment of internet addiction is an imperative of our time.
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