
  • Safija Malkić Rijaset Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini



marriage, family, violence, violent behaviour, violent practice


UDK 28-055.2

The Islamic approach to life, in regards to the attitude towards oneself and towards the others, and the Islamic concept of personal and family life imply and require one’s determination and persistence on his path towards good, justice, righteousness, responsibility as well as refraining from transgressing the given limits or violation of the rights of the other person.  Violence towards oneself or towards others is alien to all the Islamic principles; thus a Muslim, a man or a woman, are not to engage in any form of violence, that is to say they must not be perpetrators of any form of violence whatsoever. Keeping in mind the role of family in Islam, violence should never be linked to it, and by no means can a Muslim family be a place where violence is witnessed. Regarding the fact that Islam holds domestic violence as an incomprehensible phenomenon, utterly inconsistent with the idea of what the family is, what it symbolises and with what is expected of it, also it is unthinkable that any member of the family behaves violently towards any other of its members even more so to justify those acts by misinterpreting and wrongly translating certain ayahs of the Qur’an or the Sunnah of Muhammeda, a.s. However, if the case of domestic violence still does occur, it is necessary to react, using a multidimensional approach, to help the victim as well as to help the perpetrator realise that he has committed the act of violence and to assist the both during the process of rehabilitation.



How to Cite

Malkić, S. (2021). ISLAMIC VIEW OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Novi Muallim, 22(86), 24–30.