family, modernization, globalization, industrialization, urbanizationAbstract
UDK 316.4:316.356.2
A family is a social group wherein tradition and modernity meet but also confront each other. The raised degree of individualization of the members of the family is a common trait of the family in modern times. As a result of the impact of modernity, the patriarchal family is disappearing. Homosexual marriages, emerging as a result of modernization which is further promoted through the instruments of globalization are changing the very essence of the family. The postmodern family, as a family that emerged as a result of modernization and globalization, is economically more stable than the family of the pre-modern era, but it has also, as a result of the relentless influence of industrialization and urbanization, become more mobile and thus with a higher tendency for a divorce. Even though the family is changing its form as a result of the mentioned influences and it will still be further transformed in order to adapt to the given social circumstances it will still survive as such. The family is the primary social group and the place where the individual aspects merge with social aspects. It is always studied within its social context. It is the man that forms a family but it is also the family that forms a man. Modernization and globalization have not always had only negative impacts on the family. In the process of industrialization, the family businesses were an example of the contribution of modernization to the development of the family which strengthened its cohesion.
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