Abu Hanīfah, ethics, selefi-salih, akhlaqAbstract
UDK: 28-725:929
929 Ebu Hanifa
Abu Hanīfah, Islamic scholar of supreme excellence, founder of hanefi mazhab, a school of interpretative tradition embraced and cherished by Bosniaks as well for centuries, was not only a brilliant mind but was also endowed with superb ethical qualities. The author in this article discusses the characteristic traits of Abu Hanīfah on the bases of tradition which relates to his piety, kindness toward other people, his resistance to worldly rulers and politics, and his deep respect towards his parents, especially his mother. Abu Hanīfah was a follower of selefi-salih, good forbearers who valued no knowledge devoid of piety, honesty, truthfulness and good conduct, those who believed that these virtues were essential for a person to be regarded as a scholar. His, we may say, legendary intellectual supremacy went hand in hand with his moral excellence and that, we believe, was the main reason behind the fact that his teachings were accepted and followed by the vast majority of Muslims throughout the world.
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