Encouraging students to have critical, creative and wise opinion in maktab classi
makteb, maktab class, learning, creative thinking, IlmihalAbstract
UDK: 37.025:373.3
Learning is one of the fundamental human needs. The need to learn is a part of human nature and with the aid of adequate pedagogical incentives it is possible to guide the development of a human being in a positive direction thus consequently guiding the society towards general goodness. However, inadequate interference in human development can result in denial or relativisation of universal values which lead to deviant behaviour. Learning is a life-long process that takes different forms in various places, but we truly experience learning process only if that learning brings about a personality change. This change can be achieved through changes in the dominant pedagogical model by adding adequate socially desirable values to its content. This article primarily explains the values-based modes of learning and then it analyses the prospects of these models in resolving the challenges of modern society from within the prism of maktab class teaching.
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