Hivzija Hasandedić and his approach to studies of cultural history


  • Mevludin Dizdarević Muftijstvo zeničko



Hivzija Hasandedić, cultural history, micro-history, heritage, Herzegovina


UDK:  930.85(497.6)
           929 Hasandedic H.

Hivzija Hasandedić is one of the scholars who got their degree at VIŠT (degree in Islamic-Sharia theology), where he received theological, universal education, but in a later phase in their life made an eminent contribution in the field of Bosnia and Herzegovina cultural heritage studies. Hivzija Hasandedić left almost an entire library of valuable research contributions and authentic documents which are indispensable in studies of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most dominating aspect of his method was the micro-historical approach to his studies that can be explained as the history from beneath or the research that takes for its subject, not some large-scale events, but rather focuses on those small, marginalised spaces and topics. These small topics as such create a mosaic which provides a better and more wholesome view of the entire historical process. The present article aims to study and present Hasandediće’s methodology of the approach to studies of culture and history. We tried to observe what heritage was the subject of his study, in what way and in what volume, believing that in that way we would gain a better understanding of his attitude towards cultural history and what enabled him to produce such a remarkable volume of works



How to Cite

Dizdarević, M. (2024). Hivzija Hasandedić and his approach to studies of cultural history. Novi Muallim, 25(97), 16–24.

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