Education of the imams and the contemporary times-the role of the journal Novi Muallim


  • Mevludin Dizdarević Muftijstvo zeničko



Islam, imam, religious studies teacher, education, context, Novi muallim


UDK: 28-725:37

This article thematizes and analyses the problem of educating the imams and religious studies teachers in the context of diverse contemporary changes, social, cultural and various other elements that have an impact on this process. It emphasizes the role of the journal Novi muallim as a significant contribution to this valuable process. Education of imams is very important, perhaps the most important task of the Islamic Community, to its mission, vision, or better we say it is its constitutional obligation. However, this task is constantly faced with numerous challenges that require adequate response and need to be consciously anticipated. Education of imams and religious studies teachers is carried out in three stages: the madrasa, higher education and finally the professional stage which is conceived based on the concept of “life-long learning”, and is carried out throughout the employment stage and through carrying out the role of an imam. None of these stages should be neglected in the process of achieving the goal of the Islamic Community, and that is to have competent teachers of religion as only the competent teachers can carry out the responsibility of the Islamic Community.



How to Cite

Dizdarević, M. (2025). Education of the imams and the contemporary times-the role of the journal Novi Muallim. Novi Muallim, 25(100), 3–11.

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