Conceptualisation of the public from the aspect of the sources of Islam


  • Ekrem Tucaković Rijaset Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini



public, public opinion, sources of Islam, government


UDK: 316.653:28

Despite unambiguous Qur’anic and the Hadith texts which encourage Muslims to social engagement, some exegesis of Islamic sources still leave the impression that Islam significantly limits public and active critical opinion and hinders active social engagement, especially if that engagement contradicts politics or practice of the ruling structure. Such interpretations of the message of Islam assume that the prospects for constructing an active and plural public within Muslim societies are limited.  Is that, indeed, so?  This text analyses such approaches and stresses the significance of theological and theoretical thinking regarding the public society on the basis of Islamic sources, with the hope that it would encourage other credible Muslim authors to take a more serious and diligent approach towards this significant social aspect from within the Islamic view based on its relevant sources.   The author here expresses his belief stating that the sources of Islam provide a wide framework within which a concept of society can be constructed which is consistent with Islamic values, which, in turn, need to be incorporated into contemporary theoretical discourses and communication practices.



How to Cite

Tucaković, E. (2025). Conceptualisation of the public from the aspect of the sources of Islam. Novi Muallim, 25(100), 12–19.