work, workers, Islam, workers rightsAbstract
UDK 28:331.1(497.6)
This article discusses as to what extent Islamic faith provides for the active engagement, promotion and protection of workers’ rights in the opinion of the Islamic Community, Islamic scholars and religious officials. In other words, what is the potential contained in the Islamic faith for active engagement in public policies concerning workers rights and prevention of the violation of human rights especially in BiH. The analysis shows that the Islamic faith and tradition provides sufficient bases for such engagement in a way that is possible to exercise the influence upon the Muslim community members (and very often these are the employers) by raising their awareness of the workers’ rights and underlining their responsibility in this sense. Active engagement concerning this issue would bring about higher degree of social justice and security for all the citizens of BiH. In its first part the article presents a view of a general socio- conomic situation in BiH with a special accent on the position of the working class. Next it discusses legal principles and doctrines concerning the work and job relations that could serve as an inspiration for the Islamic Community officials for active social engagement in this field. Finally it gives a conclusion related to the topic of the article.
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