As the key pr manager of the classic Islamic studies


  • Izet I. Mustafić




This article is a contribution to a growing awareness of the need for possible reform of the institution of hatabah i in BiH. Contemporary society is to great extent under the influence of marketing, advertisements, propaganda and various other forms of public relations. On daily bases we are subjected to suggestions that certain goods or services that are offered through these ads are good, nice or useful. We may say that all human needs individual as well as collective are at least partially wrapped up in some form of public communication. Being aware of the influence of public communications we must consider the possibilities of making the best use of hutba as it is the strongest media of the Islamic community. Author here evaluates the position and the role of a hatib at present, analyzing the arguments that can be found in the history of Islamic community with the aim of improving the condition of the institution of hatabah in BiH today.



How to Cite

Mustafić, I. I. (2022). HATIB: As the key pr manager of the classic Islamic studies. Novi Muallim, 11(43), 32–36. https://doi.org/10.26340/muallim.v11i43.741