In this article, the author deals with ecologically imbued teachings of the Qur’an and discusses, in a preliminary way, the Quranic treatment of natural phenomena, the relationships among various worlds of nature and the interdependency of human beings. The author also ponders the Quranic terms for four basic elements and comes up with the glossary of names referring to flora and fauna in the Qur’an. The water and rain phenomena are of a particular focus since they demonstrate the abundance of life’s freshness on Earth. With a great number of examples, the author illustrates the importance of ecological cooperation among numerous species and sorts of flora and fauna, as well as between the man’s world and the neighboring worlds. As the author reiterate on several occasions, the Quranic ecology is based on the Quranic principle that all living creatures are nothing more than God’s signs, (ayatullah), while God equals environment (al-muhit)! Therefore, who disturbs the environment, disturbs God.
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