
  • Salih Indžić Medžlis IZ Travnik




inaccuracies in the text of hadith, the Hadith, mistakes


UDK 28-725-4/-5

This article deals with inaccuracies that occur in the process of transmission of the Hadith and are related to either mistakes made in writing (transcribing) the texts of sanad or metn of a hadith or by a wrong pronunciation of the same.  These mistakes are made by a transmitter who either did not hear clearly at the time of oral transmission (tashif as-sam‘) or did not see the written text well (tashif al-basar) which, however, resulted in changes to the texts. Morphological or semantic inaccuracies that can happen with transmitters who are not well versed in Arabic language, however, were not the subject of this article. The aim here was to make a contribution to the study of transmission of the hadith (‘ilm al-hadis riwaya) and to analyse the possible implications of this phenomenon upon the actual meaning of the text. Of course these implications are magnified, in cases of translation of the hadith from Arabic language, by not understanding the style of the language or by not knowing the context in which it was delivered. In this article we analysed two types of the Hadith: musahhaf and muharraf wherein we observed the above mentioned inaccuracies and we give examples to further explain this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Indžić, S. (2021). ORTHOGRAPHIC AND ARTICULATE INACCURACIES IN AUDITORY AND VISUAL TRANSMISSION OF THE HADITH. Novi Muallim, 21(84). https://doi.org/10.26340/muallim.v21i84.1820