
  • Nezir Halilović



Basic terminology, Information technology, cyber-space, ‘new reality’, teaching class experience


UDK 371.3:004:28

Teaching the class is prevailingly an event of experience. Each teaching class offers new experience for students. Religious studies teacher has a difficult task to present an experience of faith and to try to make a transfer of religious values. Inevitably, in this work, very often it happens that students react dif-ferently to the content that is offered, interpreting his methods in a way that was not planned. One of the reasons for this is that new generations, so called “digital generations”, have been growing up with information technology (IT) and are habitual to the cyber space of ’new reality’. Research analysis shows that students spend most of the day with these technologies, examining the ‘space’ of the new reality. It is beyond any doubt that the time spent within this ‘space’ influences their overall development. However, the aim of this article is not to establish to what extent technology is influencing students’ development, but rather it aims to offer teachers of religious Islamic studies guidelines for a better preparation for teaching class with generations who, besides living in this world, to a great extent live in the cyber space of the world of new reality. This article, thus, presents the basic guidelines for teachers that should be kept in mind when communicating with present generations.



How to Cite

Halilović, N. (2022). RELIGIOUS STUDIES EXPERIENCE IN THE WORLD OF ’NEW REALITY’ . Novi Muallim, 16(63), 3–10.