Recent efforts towards providing high quality education of children with special needs inevitably raise the issue of creation of individualized plans and programs. Individualized plan and program is a framework for adapted and modified teaching methods, tailored to cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral characteristics of each individual child. As such, it should document and include: current level of capabilities, characteristics and knowledge, long-term goals (general realistic expectations), short-term goals (defined and specific outcomes), teaching methods and materials as well as parameters for measuring the plan’s achievement. The foundation for a high quality document is a comprehensive approach to a child, to its social, emotional and cognitive dimensions. To that end, it is necessary to determine all specifics about a child through observation and individualized testing, so as to create a basis for setting the additional goals. This primary and most comprehensive part of work is performed in teams (comprising experts in pedagogy, psychology, defectology as well as teachers, physicians and other relevant experts) and includes a continuous follow up on the goal attainment, through teaching feedback.
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