The Cloaked One, tafsir, content analysis, Surah Al- MuddeththirAbstract
UDK 28-254
In this review the author presents a text analysis of the first seven ayats of the Qur’anic Surah Muddeththir, pertaining to the early Meccan period of the Revelation. The basic terminology and me-ssages of the Revelation contained within the integral text of the Surah are given in the introduction. The main focus of the article is significance of message contained within the first seven ayats of the Sura, thus it offers an extensive interpretation following the model of classical methodology in tafsir: presenting the causes of revelation, reactions of the receptors of the Revelation and the environment of the historical moment, then it present the interpretation of the meaning of the ayats respectively, using the relevant traditional as well as contemporary sources pertaining to the field of study.
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