Volja, struktura voljnog procesa, voljne radnje, aktivne crte volje, samosavlađivanje, vladanje sobomAbstract
The cognitively oriented school does not pay the due attention to willpower building. Inadvertent and casual attention to this very important task of the confluent education cannot develop in children the willpower needed to manage the dynamical changes. In order for the willpower to be prepared so as to enable decision making and acting, more needs to be done on willpower building in families and in schools. The author wishes this work to be an stimulation for a fight against laziness, idleness, lethargy, apathy, passivity and all forms of abolia. The work especially accentuates the need for the behavioral self-control, as a heart of willpower. The task of the confluent education, in terms of willpower processes, is self-control, and not a blind obedience. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to truly comprehend the human will and the willpower and the very structure and characteristics of these processes. The work especially emphasizes the development of the willpower in children as a best way of fighting the “parasite protection”, a way of avoiding responsibilities and feeling of guilt, as clearly identified in the defensive attitude such as: Why me first? Let someone else first do it.
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