annual final maktab competition, category, qiraat, general knowledge, candidate, participant, winner, Riyaset, maktabAbstract
UDK 28-472-053.2
Annual final maktab competition on the level of the Riyasat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 1998. The first annual competition was held the same year. Besides some elementary information about maktab as an educational and upbringing institution of the Islamic Community and general introduction to maktab competition, this article presents categories of competitions from the first annual competition to the latest, 20th annual competition. Candidates who proved the best in competitions on the mufti unit level in their respective categories had the right to participate in the competition on the level of Riyasat. In the analysis of the results of competitions in the period from 2005 to 2014, considering from which mufti units are the candidates who are securing one of the first three places in the competition, what is the highest and the lowest score of the winning candidates for each category, we observed following: in ten annual competitions in qiraat junior category the best are Sarajevo mufti unit, Zenica mufti unit and the mufti unit of Tuzla, in category of qiraat for seniors best results were achieved by the mufti units of Travnik, Zenica and Sarajevo. In the category of general knowledge maximum scores were achieved by mufti units of Tuzla, Travnik and Zenica.
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