the Islamic Community, media, dialogue, understanding, post-truth, public relationsAbstract
UDK 659.4:28-67 316.77:28-7
The text points to some elements of still essential nonunderstanding of public relations within the Islamic Community which gives ground for misperception of this profession. Public relation is a long term and a continuous process not an ad hoc onetime activity. It is a conscious and planned activity invented to create fair and true image of an organisation not a false promotion. Public relation cannot be regarded as some incidental or seasonal activity. Adherence of a true dialogue aiming at reaching the truth has to be a firm determination of religious institutions wherein public relations may have a significant role. On the other hand, institutional religious authorities cannot have their eyes closed in front of rising of a society of post-truth, because the path is not farther from getting habituated in a post-truth society to getting habituated in a post-religious society (my truth, my conviction and my emotion are my religion). The main task of public relations of the Islamic Community today is to reach out into the emotional world and the experiences of man and then to offer the truth of the faith in an adequate manner to the contemporary man’s familiar way which will then be a guideline for his individual emotions and beliefs towards a firm Islamic identity and towards security of an authentic and fruitful faith.
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