educator-rehabilitator, with difficulties in learning, upbringing and education, inclusionAbstract
UDK 376-053.5-056.36(497.6)
Inclusion as a relatively new concept in organising contemporary class and school, in general, has risen out of the need to include children with learning difficulties in regular school classroom. Attitudes towards children with developmental difficulties, as in general, attitudes towards all the minority groups are not inborn but are acquired, amongst other things, through prejudices and ignorance of the others. Changing of attitudes is a complex and time taking process that is by large based on the experience. The aim of this research was to define the number of expert assistants (defectologists) in regular schools within the municipalities of Tuzla and Srebrenik. The research included 12 primary schools of Tuzla municipality and 8 schools in Srebrenik municipality. Test specimens were directors of primary schools. Test specimens were divided into two sub-specimens. First sub-specimen were directors of those schools that have engaged defectologists, whereas other sub-specimen were directors of schools that have not employed defectologists. For this survey we have designed questionnaire titled:”support to the children with special needs in primary schools”. On the bases of collected data we concluded that in 20 primary schools in municipalities of Tuzla and Srebrenik only 4 or 20% defectologists are engaged, whereas in remaining 16 or 80% schools have no defectologist. For a successful upbringing and education of children with special needs engagement of expert assistants, i.e., defectologists is essential and it is crucial in offering an expert support to the children in overcoming the difficulties in learning.
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