family system, auto-poetics/self-referencing, family functionality, Olson’s Circumplex ModeAbstract
System research observes family as a dynamic system which is characterized by unique autopoetics / self-referencing, numerous differentiations in relation to environment and differentiations in terms of establishing boundaries between family subsystems. This means that besides the current cross section in terms of present dimensions of adaptability and cohesion (as two key dimensions of functionality), family must be observed also basing on characteristics of development cycles in goes through in constant search of balance. Each development cycle deals with specic tasks and developmental crises which emphasize the ability of the family to keep the balance between stability and inevitable changes. Family is not merely inert “collection of its members”, but also a system in which all states of one member are inuencing all other members of the system. Numerous variations in terms of previous experiences, self-referencing which is reected in generation of new relations and behaviors as well as complex mechanisms of reproduction of new situations shape the family dynamics also in context of regulatory circles to which the family belongs, mainly because the fact that family is part of the much more complex social system of relations which is why everything that happens in the society has an impact on the family and vice versa. Models which enable consideration of family functionality within the boundaries of the system and subsystem of family, adaptation to changes, communication rules and emotional connection among family members are very useful for the process of family counseling. By basing the model on knowledge provided by structural and system theories, David Olson and his associates focus on studying the dimensions of adaptability, cohesion and communication. is model is today known as Olson’s Circumplex Model. By observing the family as a dynamic system which reacts to changes while attempting to keep stability, this model provides a clear understanding of functionality of a family within dimensions of adaptability and cohesion.
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