sources of Islam, ethics, justice, equality, violence, evilAbstract
UDK 343.55:28
All schools of ethics are based upon issues of good and evil, freedom and responsibility, opportunities and duties and rights and obligations. In this article the author discusses the phenomenon of violence and its content focusing upon sources of evil and violence primarily from the perspective of the teachings of Islam. The ethics based on the teachings of Islam upholds the sanctity and inviolability of life, justice and equality. Forgetting God, alienation from God and convergence with devil inevitably leads to selfdestruction, negation of values, injustice, violence, disorder and is jeopardising the nature. On the bases of the sources of Islam, Qur’an and the Hadith, Muslims believe and are aware, however we call upon or name God, He is the One and the Same, we are all just his creatures and are all equal before Him, to Him we shall all return and to him we are answerable. Just like there is no ours and theirs, but only One God, thus there is no ours and theirs thieves, criminals, wicked, abusers, villains, liars and robbers, but just thieves, criminals, wicked, abusers, villains, liars and robbers. Sources and the archetypes of evil and violence are thoughts, ideas, ideologies, concepts, theories, doctrines and dogmas based upon devils sources.
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