Hamdija Mulic was one of the first Muslim Bosniak intellectuals who seriously concerned himself with the pedagogical thought. He was also a literary, out of whose love for the young ones grew children's prose. Hence, Hamdija Mulic is rightfully considered one of the first Muslim children's writer. He participated in all of the more significant events dealing with school reform and the enlightenment of the Muslim population. He was a contributor to a great number of magazines of that time, and has produced several of his own publications. He wrote critiques, short stories, sketches, articles, anecdotes ... The complete life and the entire works of Hamdija Mulic are interwoven with the pedagogical theme which pervades his theoretical and practical works. That which merits particular attention is the fact that Hamdija Mulic is one of the founders of the Muslim pedagogical thought and Islamic pedagogy as a science in these parts. Together with his contemporaries: Mulabdic, Serdarevic, Repovac, Causevic and others, Mulic characterized his time and left a mark in the field of enlightenment and pedagogical work.
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