Declaration of the European Muslims, European Islamic Charter, Islam, peace, human rightsAbstract
UDK 327:28(4)
Declaration of European Muslims presented by reisu-l-ulama Dr. Mustafa Cerić at the Islamic Forum Conference in August 2005, is a significant step in presenting Muslims and the teachings of Islam to the European Union (EU). Declaration states the position of European Muslims addressing three kinds of audiences: the European Union, Muslims who live in Europe and the Muslim world. According to the Declaration the Muslims clearly opt for and support European values: rule of law, principles of tolerance, values of democracy and the human rights, and “the belief that every human being has a right to the five fundamental values: life, faith, freedom, property and dignity”. Declaration appeals to The Muslims to adhere to “the imperatives of their faith” in their lives, namely: “to read and learn, to have faith and work hard, to be pious and respect parents, to be sincere and fight for individual rights, and to think about the future” declaration also appeals to the Islamic spiritual centre to “take a leading role in providing a global direction in practical matters” and to show to the world that “Islam is a serious and a just faith, that it is an attractive culture and peaceful in its politics, that it has good people and land that is rich, that Islam reflects equally the wise man of the East and the rational man of the West”. In this review, considering the socio-political framework wherein Muslims of today live, the need for frequent promotion of the values and the ideas stated in the Declaration is stressed.
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